Step 1: Select Your Genetic Kit

Select your genetic test and complete the checkout process.

Step 2: Receive and Swab

Perform a simple cheek swab by following listed step by step instructions. Return in a provided

pre-paid envelope.

Step 3: Review Your Results

You will receive a personalized report of your results. A provider will call you to set up an appointment to go over the results and get you back to your best self.


Includes the cost of the collection kit, all shipping, laboratory analysis, and a detailed personalized PDF report with consultation by a provider.

Pharmacogenomic Panel

Not included in special bundle pricing

Pharmacogenomics Genetic Testing and Consultation

Not included in special bundle pricing

Pharmacogenomics Genetic Testing and Consultation


For those wanting to reduce the time and money needed for trial and error medications, a pharmacogenomic test may be the perfect aid to your prescription. Information about your genetic makeup may be the greatest weapon against a particular ailment or invasive procedure. If you have been frustrated with your lack of success with various prescription drugs, the answer may lie within your genes. Pharmacogenomic testing can be used for multiple purposes; assessing specific genes allows you to learn more about yourself and how your body responds to foreign substances.

This price includes the cost of the collection kit, all shipping, laboratory analysis of the your genes, and detailed personalized PDF report with consultation.


Nutrigenomic Panels

Not included in special bundle pricing

MyNutrigen -Personalized, DNA-Based Weight Loss/Nutrition Plan

Not included in special bundle pricing

MyNutrigen -Personalized, DNA-Based Weight Loss/Nutrition Plan


For anyone who:

• Wants to understand how their genetics affect their body weight

• Would like to have the optimal diet plan according to their body's  characteristics

Core Panel

Immune | Auto-Immune

Core Panel

Immune | Auto-Immune


• Asthma
• Diabetes
• Chronic Infections
• Eczema / Psoriasis
• Any Auto-Immune Disease
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Lupus
• Sjogren’s
• Inflammatory Bowel Disease
• Chronic Dry Eyes
• Hashimoto’s
• Chronic Fatigue
• Immune Weakness

Core Panel

Neurological | Psych| Mood Panel

Core Panel

Neurological | Psych| Mood Panel


• Adult ADD / ADHD
• Headaches / Migraine / Cluster
• Seizure Disorders
• Vertigo / Dizziness
• Bi-polar
• Neuropathies / Neuralgias
• Alzheimer’s / Dementia /
Memory Loss
• Schizophrenia / Psychosis
• Parkinson’s / Gait Disorders
• Anxiety Disorder / Depression

Core Panel

Women's Health

Core Panel

Women's Health


• Irregular Menstrual Cycles
• Weight Gain
• History of Cystic Ovaries (PCOS)
• Hair Loss
• Recurring Breast Tenderness
• Fibrocystic Breast
• Excess Facial or Body Hair
• Post-Menopausal Hormone Replacement
• Family History of Hypothyroidism
• Family History of Infertility or Miscarriage
• Family History of Breast / Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer
• Family History of Obesity
• Family History of Diabetes
• Family History of Pre-eclampsia



Core Panel

Men's Health

Core Panel

Men's Health


Men's Health

• Fatigue / Sleep Problems
• Weight Gain
• Low Sex Drive
• Male Pattern Baldness
• Abnormal Breast Enlargement
• Testicular Atrophy
• High Blood Pressure
• Loss of Strength
• Currently Taking Testosterone Supplementation



Core Panel


Core Panel



• Autism
• Spectrum Disorders
• Childhood ADD/ ADHD
• Cerebral Palsy
• Speech Delay
• Vaccine Reaction
• Family Member Vaccine Reaction
• Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia
• Auditory Processing Disorder
• Childhood Epilepsy

Sub Panel

Chronic Pain

Sub Panel

Chronic Pain


• Arthritis / Joint Pain
• Headaches / Migraines
• Inflammatory Bowel Disease
• Feeling of Pins / Needles
• Fibromyalgia
• Back Spasms
• Stomach Pain
• Unexplained Pain


Sub Panel


Sub Panel



• Chronic Constipation
• Chronic Diarrhea
• Intermittent Intestinal Pain
• Mast Cell Disorder
• Chronic Reflux
• Recurrent Intestinal Infections
• Numerous Food Allergies
• Recurrent Intestinal Infections
• Numerous Food Allergies

Sub Panel


Sub Panel



• Detoxification Issues
• Weight Loss
• Gut Complications
• Immune Weakness
• Skin Issues



Sub Panel


Sub Panel



• Auto-Immune Issues
• Detoxification Problems
• Neurological Disease
• Cancer
• Complications with Kidney / Liver / Pancreas

Core Panel

Comprehensive Panel (Pro 7)

Core Panel

Comprehensive Panel (Pro 7)


Our most comprehensive Panel that includes 120 Genes

  • Autoimmune | Inflammation 
  • Gastrointestinal 
  • Autophagy 
  • Methlation | Foundation 
  • Neurotransmitter Processing 
  • Mitochondrial Function 
  • Detoxification 
  • Neuro-Inflammatory Potential 
  • External Inflammatory Potential 



Special Bundle Pricing

US$449.00 US$89.00

Special Bundle Pricing

US$449.00 US$89.00

Purchase one CORE nutrigenomic panel and receive a second CORE or SUB panel for just $89. Please note, the discount will only apply once a CORE panel has been added to your cart; otherwise, the additional panel will be removed

Not included in special bundle pricing

Genetic Test Consultation (Outside Source)

Not included in special bundle pricing

Genetic Test Consultation (Outside Source)


For those that have completed a genetic test through a different company, Rx Gene Therapy offers a detailed consultation to review and interpret those results.

During this consultation, we will thoroughly analyze your genetic report, explain what each result means for your health, and provide personalized recommendations and support tailored to your unique genetic profile. This service ensures you fully understand your genetic information and how to use it to optimize your well-being. Please note, if your genetic test was done through Rx Gene Therapy, this consultation is complimentary.


Not included in special bundle pricing

Medication Therapy Management

Not included in special bundle pricing

Medication Therapy Management


This one-on-one session is designed to optimize your medication regimen and ensure you are getting the best possible outcomes from your treatments. Here's what you can expect during our time together:

  1. Comprehensive Medication Review:
  • We'll go through all the medications you're currently taking, including prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, supplements, and herbal products.
  • We'll discuss how each medication works, why it's prescribed, and any potential side effects.
  1. Identifying Medication-Related Problems:
  • We'll identify and address any issues such as drug interactions, side effects, incorrect dosages, or missed medications.
  • We'll work on solutions to improve adherence and simplify your medication routine.
  1. Personalized Medication Plan:
  • Based on our review, I'll provide recommendations to optimize your medication therapy.
  • You'll receive a personalized medication action plan outlining any changes or adjustments.
  1. Education and Counseling:
  • I'll provide education on your health conditions and how your medications help manage them.
  • We'll discuss lifestyle changes, diet, and other non-pharmacological approaches that can complement your medication therapy.

Preparation for Your Session:

To make the most of our time together, please bring:

  • A list of all medications you are currently taking, including dosages and frequency.
  • Any recent lab results or medical reports.
  • A list of questions or concerns you have about your medications or health conditions.

I look forward to working with you to ensure your medication therapy is safe, effective, and tailored to your needs.