Pharmacogenomics Test(PGx)

For those wanting to reduce the time and money needed for trial and error medications, a pharmacogenomic test may be the perfect aid to your prescription. Information about your genetic makeup may be the greatest weapon against a particular ailment or invasive procedure. If you have been frustrated with your lack of success with various prescription drugs, the answer may lie within your genes. Pharmacogenomic testing can be used for multiple purposes; assessing specific genes allows you to learn more about yourself and how your body responds to foreign substances.

Indicated for patients with:

  • Previous Drug Reactions
  • Family History of Drug Reactions
  • Chemical Sensitivities
  • Multiple Health Issues
  • Taking Multiple Medications
  • Have Poor Communication Skills

MyNutrigen-Personalized DNA Based Weight Loss/Nutrition Plan

The regulation of body weight is complex and dependent on several factors. Overweight and obesity may increase the risk of many health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.   NutriGen is an innovative genetic test that tailors diet, wellness, and weight loss strategies.

Indicated for patients with:

• Best Diet for Weight Loss

• Best Diet for Autoimmune Disorders

• Lactose Intolerance

• Gluten Intolerance

• Caffeine Metabolism

• Sugar & Salt Sensitivity

• GI Inflammation

• Insulin Resistance

• Satiety Genes

• Includes a Personlized Diet Plan


Auto-Immune | Inflammatory Panel

30 gene variants have been chosen by our experts to be analyzed for SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms).  

Indicated for patients with:

• Asthma
• Chronic Infections
• Eczema / Psoriasis
• Diabetes Type 1
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Lupus
• Sjogren’s
• Inflammatory Bowel Disease
• Chronic Dry Eyes
• Hashimoto’s
• Chronic Fatigue                                                                       • Auto-Immune Disease


Neuro | Psych | Mood Panel

Are patients finding themselves getting into moods and not being able to shake it? Or going through life and emotionally gliding through whatever comes their way? No matter which, there is a connection between mood and genetics.

Indicated for patients with

• Depression
• Anxiety
• Bipolar Disorder
• Insomnia
• Weight Issues
• Hormone and Adrenal Dysfunction
• Memory Issues
• Migraines
• Adult ADD / ADHD
• Headaches 
• Seizure Disorders
• Vertigo / Dizziness
• Neuropathies / Neuralgias
• Alzheimer’s / Dementia / Memory Loss
• Schizophrenia / Psychosis
• Parkinson’s / Gait Disorders

Women’s Health Panel

Hormonal, metabolic and vitamin abnormalities in women can produce a number of undesirable affects, such as weight gain, sleep disturbances, infertility, fatigue, and mood disturbances.  

Indicated for Patient's With:

• Irregular Menstrual Cycles
• Weight Gain
• History of Cystic Ovaries (PCOS)
• Hair Loss
• Recurring Breast Tenderness
• Fibrocystic Breast
• Excess Facial or Body Hair
• Post-Menopausal Hormone Replacement
• Family History of Hypothyroidism
• Family History of Infertility or Miscarriage
• Family History of Breast / Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer
• Family History of Obesity
• Family History of Diabetes
• Family History of Pre-eclampsia

Gastrointestinal (GI) Panel

This panel is designed to provide a scientifically validated system to indicate the need for a specific supplement or medication based on an individual’s genetic profile.

Indicated for patients with:

• Chronic Constipation
• Chronic Diarrhea
• Intermittent Intestinal Pain
• Mast Cell Disorder
• Chronic Reflux
• Recurrent Intestinal Infections
• Numerous Food Allergies
• Recurrent Intestinal Infections
• Numerous Food Allergies

Comprehensive Panel (Pro7)

For patients who are overall healthy and desiring nutritional guidance, have no significant family history of disease, have basic problems with intestinal health and allergies or want a health plan, fitness regimen or anti-aging program.

Includes 7 key areas to maintain optimal health:

• Methylation | Foundation
• Neurotransmitter Processing
• Mitochondrial Function
• Detoxification
• Neuro-Inflammatory Potential
• External Inflammatory Potential

Foundation | Methylation | Wellness Panel

21 genes have been chosen by our experts to be analyzed for SNPs. The report algorithms and customized software will take the patient’s genetic results and create nutritional and lifestyle recommendations.  

Indicated for patients with:

• Mood or Sleep Problems
• Issues with Fatigue
• Neurological Symptoms
• Immune Challenges
• Detoxification Weakness

Men’s Health Panel

While life expectancy has increased over the last few decades, there continues to be a longevity gap between men and women. On average, women live five years longer than men. Men are also more likely than women to have chronic illnesses.  

Indicated for patients with:

• Fatigue/Sleep Problems
• Weight Gain
• Low Sex Drive
• Male Pattern Baldness
• Abnormal Breast Enlargement
• Testicular Atrophy
• High Blood Pressure
• Loss of Strength
• Currently Taking Testosterone Supplementation



Developmental Panel

The report algorithms, created by our medical experts, will take the patient’s genetic results and create nutritional and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended lab work and health precautions.

Indicated for patients with:

• Autism
• Spectrum Disorders
• ADD/ ADHD-Anxiety
• Cerebral Palsy
• Speech Delay
• Vaccine Reaction
• Family Member Vaccine Reaction
• Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia
• Auditory Processing Disorder
• Childhood Epilepsy

Chronic Pain Panel

Aims to bring validity to patients’ pain while supplying providers the knowledge they need to create a personalized chronic pain treatment protocol for their patients so they can live a normal day-to-day life.    

Indicated for patients with:

• Arthritis / Joint Pain
• Headaches / Migraines
• Inflammatory Bowel Disease
• Feeling of Pins / Needles
• Fibromyalgia
• Back Spasms
• Stomach Pain
• Unexplained Pain

Neurotransmitter Panel

Billions of neurons exist in the brain and they all need to work appropriately. These cells share information with other nerve cells through electrical impulses, allowing for thought and communication throughout the body.  

Indicated for patients with:

• Depression
• Anxiety
• Bipolar Disorder
• Insomnia
• Weight Issues
• Hormone and Adrenal Dysfunction   
• Memory Issues
• Migraines
• Headaches

Detoxification Panel

Seven key genes have been chosen by our experts to be analyzed for SNPs in the area of Detoxification.

Indicated for patients with:

• Detoxification Issues
• Weight Loss
• Gut Complications
• Immune Weakness
• Skin Issues

TBI | Post Concussion Panel

Consists of 24 gene variants (SNPs) that have been chosen by our medical experts which play a significant role in the patient’s ability to maximize their recovery potential following a head injury.      

Indicated for patients with:

• Traumatic Brain Injury
• Post-Concussion Syndrome
• Patients Preventing Concussions
• History of Multiple Concussions
• Headache / Visual Changes
• Hyperacusis

Autophagy Panel

You may be feeding your body the correct nutrients, but they are useless if your body’s cells can’t absorb them properly. An Autophagy genetic test is one of the only ways to know whether your internal cellular recycling system is intact.  

Indicated for patients with:

• Auto-Immune Issues
• Detoxification Problems
• Neurological Disease
• Cancer
• Complications with Kidney / Liver / Pancreas 

Essential Vitamins Panel

Your body requires essential minerals and vitamins for every process and function. These nutrients work in symphony to grow, heal, repair and maintain your body’s cells, organs, systems, and skeleton.  

Indicated for patients with:

• Skin & Bone Issues
• Blood Issues
• Hair & Nail Issues
• Neurological & Mental Function Symptoms
• Gastrointestinal Complications